Game Performance Tests

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0x Anisotropic Filtering Tests

The following are the results with 0x anisotropic filtering.

Performance results of Ti4800SE and FX5600 using v43.45 and 44.03 drivers. 0xAF.

From what we can see here, the 44.03 and 43.45 drivers do little to improve performance on all games at 0x anisotropic filtering. What is important to notice is that the Ti4800SE beats the FX5600 in 7 of 8 tests and ties the remaining one.

8x Anisotropic Filtering

The following are the results with 8x anisotropic filtering.

Performance results of Ti4800SE and FX5600 using v43.45 and 44.03 drivers. 8xAF.

Looking at the Morrowind and Freelancer tests, we can see that the Ti4800SE beats the FX5600 with either 43.45 or 44.03 driver. However, the Unreal Tournament 2003 test is more interesting.

When using the v44.03 driver, the FX5600 gains a significant boost in frame rates to handedly beat the Ti4800SE. But this boost is isolated only to Unreal Tournament 2003 – in Freelancer and Morrowind, we do not see a similar increase in frame rates.

Image Quality Tests

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

The following image is taken from the streets of the city of Balmora (the same location used as our benchmark). The green rectangle indicates the area we will examine.

Morrowind image sample.

Image Quality test for Ti4800SE. Morrowind.

Image Quality test for FX5600. Morrowind.

Full-size images (1024×768)
Ti4800 FX5600

As the anisotropy level increases from 0x to 8x, we get a sharpening of textures across both Ti4800SE and FX5600, and drivers (as expected). It appears that there is little change between 44.03 and 43.45 drivers for Morrowind.

Unreal Tournament 2003

The following image is taken from the map CTF-Anubis. The green rectangle indicates the area which we will examine.

UT2K3 image sample.

Image Quality test for Ti4800SE. UT2K3. Image Quality test for FX5600. UT2K3.

Full-size images (1024×768)

Ti4800 FX5600

On the Ti4800SE, as we increase the anisotropy level from 0x to 8x, we see the usual sharpening of textures. This occurs as we would expect on either version of Detonator drivers.

On the FX5600, we see that the 43.45 drivers work as we would expect – 8xAF yields sharper textures, but at a hit in performance. However, when using v44.03 drivers, it appears that at 8x AF we do not get any sharpening of textures. Instead we see that the texture remains the same (blurry and unsharpened) and there is a substantial frame rate increase compared to 43.45 drivers.

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