“nForce2 Ultra 400 has been around since July 2003, some sevenmonths. Plain nForce2 has been around for over a year. While KT880 mayboast better base features than nForce2 in some respects (SATA), it’s stilldeficient and reliant on other chips for others (FireWire).With NVIDIA ruling the 32-bit AMD enthusiast market with iron fists, VIAare going to find it hard to break into the market with KT880, given thatperformance is barely more than KT600, if at all, and it still lags behindNVIDIA’s effort in that respect.”
VIA KT880 Chipset Review
Hexus has a review of the long awaited VIA dual channel KT880 for Socket A XP processors. Will it be an Nforce2 killer?