Fremont, CA, August 9, 2004: Corsair Memory, Inc., a global leader in ultra-performance DDR memory modules for PC gamers and enthusiasts, today announced a $20 rebate on selected memory modules when purchased with the DOOM 3 game.
Corsair is offering a $20 mail-in rebate on any set of 1GB XL modules (eligible products are TwinX1024-3200XL, TwinX1024-3200XLPT, and TwinX1024-3200XLPRO) when purchased together with DOOM 3. The XL modules have garnered over 40 awards since their launch in May 2004, making the Corsair XL the most highly awarded memory module of the year.
Corsair Offers $20 Rebate with Doom 3 Purchase
If you bought Doom 3 and found you might need a boost in your system memory, you really can’t pass up this deal. Corsair offers some of the best memory around and getting $20 back just because you bought Doom 3 is quite the nice touch. 🙂