Samsung has perfected its own unique picturetechnology , DNIe™. What distinguishes DNIe™ is that it uses its own algorithm to analyze any kind of input signal (HD, SD, RF or DVD) and convert it to an optimal output signal tailored to any kind of display device (Flat CRT TV, Projection TV, Plasma TV, LCD TV), guaranteeing a lifelike picture every time.’
Here’s a few more reviews to wet your appetite:
UT2004 + 61″ = Eat Your Heart Out Baby!

No it’s not a ‘typo’, it really does say Sixty One inches! Samsung have done it again, further blurring the line between Monitor and TV, with their latest Projection Television. So, get out your wallet (you’ll need it!), get settled in that comfy armchair and experience your favourite games like never before. Just take a look at the clarity of the picture in Bytesector’s review.