Altec Lansing unleashes some impressive sound in an elegant 2.1 speaker package. The MX5021 is sure to please with some nice looks and a great set of features including THX certification.
Your PC’s speakers are probably the second most critical component you invest in for your computer aside from your video display. Unfortunately, many people give their speakers no thought when purchasing their system and settle for a cheap set that produces inferior sound. But why live with miserable audio when you can spend a little more money for something that will impress your ears? Speakers can remain with you for a very long time, so investing in the right pair is very crucial.
If you are considering upgrading your current pair of speakers, Altec Lansing may have the solution for you. Their MX5021 speaker system we are reviewing today is a fantastic looking product that boasts some features that definitely puts it apart from the competition.
About Altec Lansing
Some people don’t realize that Altec Lansing has been in the speaker business for a long time. Their roots go as far back to the roaring 20’s but the company name Altec Lansing didn’t come around until 1941. Their business has always been audio speakers and has been used in everything from movie theaters, recording studios, and even military applications.
The staff of Altec Lansing circa 1944, Hollywood.
Altec Lansing entered the PC audio market in 1990 and quickly grew to become a reputable and recognizable name thanks to endorsements from big companies like IBM, DELL, and Hewlett Packard. Today we are seeing more and more Altec Lansing products on the market thanks to the proliferation of personal media devices, PCs, game consoles, and home theater systems. The company has also produced some very innovative niche products like speakers dedicated solely for the iPod (the iM3 speaker system) and the XA3021 that matches the color of your XBOX.
Specifications and the MX5021
As anyone who has ever shopped for speakers will know, often the specifications published by a manufacturer can be confusing. Consumers often get worked-up over watts and frequency response, but in reality these numbers have little impact on audio quality which is your number one criteria when choosing speakers. It is because of this most people recommend listening to speakers in your price range before comitting to them.
With this said, I won’t comment on the specifications of these speakers aside from reproducing them here. I prefer to let my ears do the judging.
controller required urgently
Thank you so much for providing photos of the cables and speaker wire. I am missing one of the cables and I had no idea what to look for. You have saved me hours of guesswork!