Gaming: Doom 3 and Far Cry 1.3

Doom 3

I ran the default timedemo, ‘timedemo demo 1’, three times on each resolution and quality setting, and took the average of the second and third scores.  We ignored the first one as it was always much slower than the following ones as the game was caching textures off the hard drive.  The tests were done in Medium Quality and in both 0xAA and 4xAA modes. 

Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe nForce4 Motherboard - Motherboards 62

Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe nForce4 Motherboard - Motherboards 63

Once we enable 4xAA on this low resolution test, we see a small (2%) gain on the A8N-SLI board.  Again nothing to get excited about. 

Far Cry

This is a custom demo we use in various PCP articles, run three times and average the second and third run throughs. 

Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe nForce4 Motherboard - Motherboards 64

Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe nForce4 Motherboard - Motherboards 65

The NF4 SLI and the XPRESS 200 chipset have scores right along the same lines as each other.  Our K8T890 reference board wasn’t run on this benchmark while we had it, so results aren’t available.

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