pcp_trainstation02 – Mid-Range Cards

Half-Life 2: Performance Testing - Graphics Cards 163

Half-Life 2: Performance Testing - Graphics Cards 164

Half-Life 2: Performance Testing - Graphics Cards 165

Half-Life 2: Performance Testing - Graphics Cards 166

The first test is CPU bound it would appear, but once AA and AF are turned on, we see the 6800 card jump ahead and the 6600GT have a slight lead in terms of min FPS.

Half-Life 2: Performance Testing - Graphics Cards 167

Half-Life 2: Performance Testing - Graphics Cards 168

Half-Life 2: Performance Testing - Graphics Cards 169

Half-Life 2: Performance Testing - Graphics Cards 170

The 6800 is still the best card in this category, and the 6600GT and 9800 Pro cards are coming in close together as well.  While the 6800 card is playable here, I’d wager to say that the 6600Gt and 9800 Pro are not to most gamers.

Half-Life 2: Performance Testing - Graphics Cards 171

Half-Life 2: Performance Testing - Graphics Cards 172

Half-Life 2: Performance Testing - Graphics Cards 173

Half-Life 2: Performance Testing - Graphics Cards 174

Once again on this demo, we see ATI taking the lead over its direct competition in the last test at 1600×1200 with 4xAA and 8xAF, even when the NVIDIA cards beat it at 1600×1200 0xAA 0xAF.  And, while none of the cards can do the 4x8x here for gaming, they all seem able to play at this resolution without those IQ settings.  Though, the rest of the game has a different story.

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