“Not too long ago, water cooling was reserved for the elite, adventurous few who are willing to pay the extra bucks for the extra cooling power. A few years ago, if you wanted to do some extreme over-clocking with water cooling, you would have figure out all the parts that you need on your own, then try to find them online. All this could cost you well over $200 USD easily. Thus water cooling was off limits to most computer users, including myself.”Here are some more Cases & Cooling reviews from around the web:
- Asetek Water Cooling Kit and Hard Drive Cooler @ techniz.co.uk
- Assembling water cooler @ OC-Service.com
- Asetek WaterChill Antarctica Water Cooling Kit @ extremeoverclocking
- Thermaltake BigWater Watercooling Kit @ Bjorn3D
ThermalTake BigWater & More
Everything comes in kits nowadays, and watercooling is no exception. For around US$150, you can have Thermaltakes’s newest watercooling kit, and The Tech Zone picked one up to review. Plus a guide on how to assemble watercooling systems in general and Asetek’s watercooling kit as well.