Here’s some more recent graphics card reviews from around the web: ATI All-in-Wonder X600Pro @ Tweak Gigabyte Geforce 6800 @ BFG GeForce 6600GT OC AGP @ HIS Radeon X700Pro ICEQ Turbo @ Legion Hardware Gigabyte GeForce 6600GT @ ASUS EXTREME AX800XT Platinum Edition @
Chaintech GeForce 6600GT AGP
“The GeForce 6600 video card was initially released as a PCI-Express video card. Recently Nvidia released an AGP version of the 6600 for those who have not made the leap to the new bus type. Nvidia places the 6600 series in the performance category while the biggest and baddest 6800 is in the enthusiast category. Currently there are two models of the 6600 line, the regular 6600 and 6600GT which is faster than the regular 6600. This particular card that is on the review table today is a Chaintech GeForce 6600GT.
Quote: “I am very impressed with this video card, I didn’t think that it would make such a huge improvement. This is the kind of upgrade that makes spending the money worth while. Before the 6600GT I used the 5700 Ultra in my personal system and it simply wasn’t cutting it. Many of the games I would play were choppy with good image quality or ran ok but looked unimpressive because of the lacking AA and AF. This card is also very overclockable to give you more than you paid for which is always great. All of the necessary accessories are included to take advantage of everything this card offers and the software bundle is great. If you are looking to upgrade your video card but cant afford a 6800 and don’t want to make the jump to PCI-Express this may be exactly what you are looking for.” Read the full article @ OCModShop