While the title may be a bit misleading, Anandtech did not get any true Athlon 64 X2 parts to review, instead they used their Opteron 875 processor to simulate an Athlon 64 X2 4400+.
The final problem we had was that there were significant issues with regards to memory compatibility and performance on this Tyan board with the dual core BIOS. We were forced to run at much slower memory settings than we would normally run on a desktop Athlon 64 motherboard – we had to run with the bus turnaround option set to 2T in order to even get Windows to install. A side effect of some of these issues was that not all of our tests would run properly, most did but a few didn’t make it. Obviously we’ll fill in the blanks when we perform our actual Athlon 64 X2 review, but this will serve as a preview.