I got back from E3 late last night, and unfortunately fell straight to sleep. There wasn’t a lot of excitement going on there from a hardware point of view, especially with both the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 missing in action for playable demos. I am putting the finishing touches on an article I think you’ll find very interesting, though it falls outside the boundes of what current technologies are out there. It should be up in the morning tomorrow.
I think I might have enough info on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 GPUs to get a short article comparing the techniques from one to the other and their implementations to the PC gaming world as well.
While in LA I went to see the new Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith movie. As you may recall, I am a Star Wars nerd. 😉 In any event, the movie was surprisingly good and all the reviews you might have ready putting it way above the last two prequel movies are right on track. It’s hard to mess a movie with this much action and with this much of the story already planned out in advance. It is indeed a very dark film and there were a few scenes were I actually taken a back and saddened by what happens. Go see it, you will like it.
The house is coming along very well, with my final walk through only two weeks away!
The exterior needs siding, shutters and molding and a driveway, and we’re through there. Inside is nearly done, but without door handles we are in trouble! 😉 Hopefully all will go well and between Computex and another trip out to California in the first couple weeks of June everything will be done and we can close.