With Nforce 4 for Intel you will get a performance increase but not as much as you might expect from it when you base your performance assumptions on Nforce 4 for AMD numbers. That’s why Nvidia already did two revisions of those motherboards and chipsets and is still holding its breath with retail availability of those motherboards.
Motherboard manufacturers are holding their breath too over the announcement of Nforce 4 SLI boards and are still trying to tweak the performance before they let them into retail, we learned. µ
nForce4 SLI Intel Edition Not Living Up to Claims?
The Inquirer seems to have reason to believe that the nForce4 SLI Intel Edition is living up to claims NVIDIA made for it and increased gaming performance. They are also asking for retail motherboard reviews, which I will have one here for you on Monday or Tuesday. I am going to have to disagree with their statements though, as our game testing on NVIDIA’s SLI technology on the Intel platform did in fact show some reasonable performance gains. Nothing can change the fact that AMD is faster on gaming though, so I don’t really see the point in blaming NVIDIA for that…