Touting another industry first, ECS is still showing off their upcoming PF88 motherboard that allows users to use either an Intel Pentium processor based on the LGA775 socket or a 939-pin AMD processor at their choice. It does NOT allow for usage models like running both processors at the same time, but it does attempt to helps users deal with the constantly changing processor socket platforms from both Intel and AMD.
Using a technology they are calling the “Elite Bus”, ECS has setup a serial connection between the processor bridge card and other components on the mainboard. The first iteration of this technology is on the PF88; it is an LGA775 motherboard be default and ECS currently has ready a card to allow for 939-pin Athlon 64 processor upgrades. The SIMA card will come seperately in most cases and we should also see options for SIMA cards for other sockets like the Pentium M very soon.
For more information, visit ECS USA’s website.