“A group dedicated to curing virus-naming confusion enjoyed its official launch on Wednesday. The Common Malware Enumeration (CME) aims to mitigate confusion in responding to viral outbreaks by providing a common name for high profile threats that can then be used in vendor products or their websites.”Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
Tech Talk
- Robots behind the wheel in desert race @ CNET
- AMD vs Intel Freshly baked subpoenas @ The Register
- iTunes for video? Don’t hold your breath @ CNET
- State Of Information Security @ The TechZone
- Consultant Convicted For Non-Invasive Site Access @ ZDNet
- Here’s a surefire way to stifle innovation @ CNET
- Google Maps Graduates @ Slashdot
- Logitech Cordless Desktop S510 with Media Remote / Cordless Desktop S510 @ ThinkComputers.org
- Microsoft Ergonomic 4000 Keyboard Review @ Virtual-Hideout
- Imation Disk Stakka Review @ XYZ Computing
A virus by any other name …
El Reg reports on the attempt by the CME to provide all viruses with common names. If you have ever suffered mental trauma trying to figure out just which virus it is that has infected you, because Norton, Symantec and all of the others give different names to the same virus, these guys may be able to help.