Guild Wars

Guild Wars (Direct X)

Guild Wars is another quality MMORPG from the makers of City of Heroes, only this one is free!  Well, you have to buy the game, but still…  I have several um, er…friends that are playing this now and it is quite good.  Here are the graphics settings we used:

Asus N7800GT DUAL Review - 7800 SLI on a Single Card - Graphics Cards 75

We tested in the opening town where new characters start. 

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Asus N7800GT DUAL Review - 7800 SLI on a Single Card - Graphics Cards 79

Asus N7800GT DUAL Review - 7800 SLI on a Single Card - Graphics Cards 80

The CPU limitedness of this game comes into play at 0x0x settings with all three cards performing very similiarly though the N7800GT DUAL does have a lead in the minimum frame rate that is nice to see.  Running in SLI mode doesn’t make a whole lot of difference here either but the N7800GT DUAL is still much faster than the GTX and even out runs the XFX SLI setup.

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