“Your new HDTV looks atrocious. It doesn’t produce a picture any better than the old analog TV you just demoted to the bedroom. The first realization may hit you smack on the head. Then again, it might just sneak up on you gradually. Either way the result is the samedissatisfaction, disappointment, disillusionment, suffering, pain, misery, death. Or the death of innocence, anyway. Now here’s the ray of sunshine. There may be nothing wrong with the product. The manufacturer may merely have set it up to look bad right out of the box under the assumption that you are too stupid to know what good performance really looks like”Here are some more Display articles from around the web:
- Samsung SP-R4212 Plasma EDTV @ Overclockers Online
- DVD Insider – Where HDTV Is Going @ The Tech Zone
Is your HDTV lacking definition?
Designtechninca takes you through a simple guide to make your HDTV get the best out of digital signals.