“If you’ve read part one of Augustus’ Ultimate Linux Workstation, then you already know what my goals and thoughts were surrounding this system. If you haven’t read that part yet, I’d suggest that you do that first. It will make what follows make a little more sense. In this part of my look at building what I would consider the ultimate Linux workstation, I will take you through some of the special construction that had to be done to accommodate some of the special hardware I selected. Although I will be commenting on what was done, much of this article will be a pictorial. In my final article about this system I will show some final pictures of the rig and produce some benchmarks from this system as well as my budget system that I outlined in the last article. The following is not a log of every aspect of construction, just the more interesting parts.”Here are some more Systems articles from around the web:
- HighSpeed PC Tech Station Giveaway @ XYZ Computing
- AOpen’s Pandora Box Makes it to the Market @ Legit Reviews
Work of Linux-y Perfection
Part 2 in LinuxHardware’s Ultimate Linux WorkStation is up. Step by step, they are building a box desgined to run perfectly, and to do it while running Linux. If you missed part one, start here.