“Those of us who are always looking for the bigger, better and faster storage solutions have the end in sight. Lately, more and more SATA enhanced 3.0Gb/s drives are hitting the market. Western Digital isn’t the only company offering solutions to those of us who aren’t satisfied with second rate speeds, those of us with large home movies, and those of us who store everything we can find on a computer that sits in the corner with dust bunnies the size of basketballs. Enter the Western Digital Caviar SE16 WD2500KS hard drive.”Here are some more Storage reviews from around the web:
- OCZ Technology Rally Dual Channel USB Flash Drive @ hardCOREware
- X-Micro Mini DisGo 20GB USB Storage @ OCAU
250Gb of high speed storage

The WD Caviar SE16 SATA drive that COD tests could solve a lot of your storage needs. Just set up an older PC with a SATA controller and 4 of these puppies and you should be able to back up almost everything you’ve ever typed or clicked.