Despite the fact that the Xb0x 360 was being released Tuesday morning, there was something slightly more exciting that I was looking forward to that day.
Play Chad Johnson of the Cincinnati Begals in Madden 2006.
I won a contest at the local Best Buy to play Chad Johnson during the Xbox 360 launch at the store.
Of course I couldn’t let an oppurtunity like this pass me by without having a little fun…
My oh my, what one person can create with a printer and Scotch tape in 8 minutes flat.
The joy of being intercepted… Oh well. I held my own though lost by 11 points in the final minute. Chad was entertaining and took the jokes (besides the list we also did CPR on the Xbox controller as a celebration) with the fun they were intended.
After that fun, it was home to play my own system and then get ready for the holiday weekend. I hope everyone enjoys a safe and happy one!