Multitasking: Scenario 1+
Scenario 1+
After completing the Scenario 1 tests, I decided to add one more application into the suite by having Outlook import an emails file into its database. Here is the modified test step by step:
Open Trillian
Open Excel Sheet
Open PDF file to page 15 (complicated data)
Open Firefox, with three tabs, each of heavy Flash content (stored locally)
Open iTunes and play 12 song playlist
Start NAV virus scan on HDDs
Open Outlook and start import on 335MB email file
Open Razor Lame and add files to be encoded
Encode MP3s and time
The window order, from bottom most viewable to top most was: Acrobat -> iTunes -> Outlook -> Norton AV -> Razor Lame. On this test there were two applications running tasks that had a definite end, and in our results you’ll see that at the end of the MP3 encoding, the Intel system had already finished the Outlook import while the AMD system was still completing the task.
Here are our same base scores again for the standard MP3 encoding time with no other tasks running.
Again the 3800+ OC and 4800+ are the top performers here with the overclocked buget processor taking a slight lead.