FEAR (Direct X)
One of the most impressive games of E3 2005 is turning out to be one of the most graphically intense as well. Even with the 7800 GTX and X1800 XT I didn’t find the game playable at 1600×1200 with all the details turned on:
*** Note: we have disabled Soft Shadows in all the below tests despite what the screen indicates above. And since we were using the retail game this time, I opted to use the in-game “settings test” fly by to compare performance.
The Catalyst 5.13 drivers finally fix the FEAR bug that has existed on ATI’s card since the game’s retail release and as such NVIDIA’s lead has withered away. In fact, in the 4x/8x testing, the 7800 GTX falls well behind the X1800 XT and the Asus X1800 XT TOP. For Asus’ overclocked card, it is able to pull off a nearly 10% speed increase over ATI’s reference design.
This gpu is rubbish
This gpu is rubbish