“After reviewing the Sapphire X1300, we continue the X1K line of reviews with the HIS X1600XT Turbo. The X1600XT features the effective IceQ cooler which allows for it to be branded with the “Turbo” label. With the help of the IceQ cooler, HIS has created a X1600XT card that can be overclocked with a single click using their iTurbo utility. The recent announcements of the 7800GS and X1900XT have caused the X1600XT to be pushed even further down the food chain which is a very good thing for consumers due to competitive pricing of models.”Here are some more Graphics Card articles from around the web:
- Asus EAX1800XT Top @ HotHardware.Com
- Gigabyte GV-NX73G128D GeForce 7300 GS Graphics Card @ Adrian’s Rojak Pot
- History Of The 3D GPU — Update @ AcceleNation
- Palit 6800GS Blitz (GeForce 6800 GS 256MB) @ HardwareZone
- XFX 7800GS AGP Extreme Edition Preview @ motherboards.org
- Titan Eagle VGA Cooler @ Techgage
- Thermalright V1 Ultra VGA Cooler Review @ Ap0calypse.com
- Arctic Cooling Accelero X1 VGA Cooler Review @ 3DChip
Dual DVI for gamers

Bona Fide reviews continues their examination of ATI’s range of cards, today it is the HIS X1600XT IceQ Turbo, with dual DVI and an IceQ cooler that gives the card a little advantage on overclocking over more standard cooling. Also, the fact that it requires no extra power to run, and it still performs as a solid mid-range graphics card makes it an attractive buy.