“After a number of debates and speculations, we finally have the launch dates for NVIDIA’s next-gen. product lineup based on the G71 core. According to insiders, the launch is expected to take place at CeBIT 2006, and the cards will be placed under the 7900 series. We still dont have much details on the specifications, but NVIDIA told us they will be doing some pretty heavy duty HD gaming demonstration, which is a new initiative from them. The company, however, declined to comment on specific titles.”Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
Tech Talk
- Is AMD Doomed? @ CoolTechZone.com
- Intel’s New Vision: Finesse Over Brute Force @ Processor Blog
- How Does 95th Percentile Billing Work? @ OCModShop
- Choosing either a High Definition Plasma TV or DLP Projection set @ Bona Fide Reviews
- Encrypt your text files @ MAKE:Blog
- Linksys WRT54GC Wireless Router Review @ Digital Grabber
- PCI Express Video Card Giveaway @ XYZ Computing
New news from nVIDIA
CoolTechZone has posted the lauch dates of several anxiously awaited nVIDIA products … the NVIDIA G71, Quad-SLI and NFORCE 5. Yes, it is official, there will be Quad-SLI, and it will likely be the hottest thing going, better get the watercooling setup ready.