PC Stats feels it is official, there is no use for 1.44 floppies anymore.  Now that you can boot from a USB thumb drive, flashing from DOS is no longer a painful evening of trying to find the one working floppy in a huge stack of corrupted ones.  With the larger capacity, it is easy to carry your needed software anywhere, or to set your self up a bootable Linux distro that runs on almost anything.  Read more, and see if USB drives can do more tricks than you think.
“The USB memory key appears well on its way to replacing the floppy drive completely; as flash memory prices have dropped, these devices have become cheap enough that anyone can afford them. This, coupled with the easy support of such drives in Windows XP, has made them an extremely attractive device for anyone that needs to move files from place to place. USB memory drives are not just geek toys anymore!”

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