Call of Duty 2 & Quake 4

EPoX EP-9U1697 GLI Motherboard Review - SLI Killer? - Motherboards 66
EPoX EP-9U1697 GLI Motherboard Review - SLI Killer? - Motherboards 67

EPoX EP-9U1697 GLI Motherboard Review - SLI Killer? - Motherboards 68
EPoX EP-9U1697 GLI Motherboard Review - SLI Killer? - Motherboards 67

Following the 3DMark results from the previous page, the EP-9U1697 again lags behind the NF4 SLI. The difference isn’t so significant in Quake 4, but in Call of Duty  the 8 FPS delta is massive. For gaming, the EP-9U1697 is looking to be slower, but its price, overclocking, and SLI potential may make it a good buy for potential buyers.

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