ATI is announcing their latest mobile chipset the Radeon Xpress 1100 which supports AMD’s latest Turion 64 X2 and DDR2 memory. The Xpress 1100 boasts a graphics core that is 33% faster than the Xpress 200M. More interestingly is the 5th generation Powerplay scheme which now adjusts graphics voltages and clock speed in additon to CPU frequency and voltage. The Xpress 1100 is also Vista-ready and capable of running the Aero UI.
You can read the whole press release here.
“ATI Technologies Inc. (TSX:ATY)(NASDAQ:ATYT) is squeezing longer life and more performance into today’s notebook computers with the introduction of the new Radeon® Xpress™ 1100 series of chipsets, supporting AMD’s Turion™ 64 X2 mobile technology. The Radeon Xpress 1100 series is built to deliver the ultimate mobile computing experience on the AMD platform, including industry-leading battery life, a 33 percent faster graphics core, and support for Microsoft Windows Vista. Whether for work or for play, the Radeon Xpress 1100 series is designed to squeeze the maximum productivity and performance out of today’s notebooks, while still resulting in ever thinner and lighter designs due to its power- and heat-efficient architecture.”