Kingston announces support of AMD AM2 with their DDR2 800 MHz ValueRAM Modules

Kingston Technology to Support AMD Athlon(TM) 64 product family for Socket
AM2 Platforms with New DDR2 800 MHz ValueRAM Modules
Fountain Valley, CA (May 23, 2006), Kingston® Technology Company, Inc.,
the independent world leader in memory products, today announced the release
of DDR2 800-MHz (PC2-6400) ValueRAM® memory modules to support select socket
AM2 desktop processors. Kingston’s new DDR2 800-MHz ValueRAM modules are
available in capacities up to 2 GB and are the next generation evolution of
DDR memory technology, featuring faster speeds, higher data bandwidths,
lower power consumption, and enhanced thermal performance over DDR.
Kingston worked with AMD and partners during the development of DDR2 based
platforms which will support DDR2 memory. While the socket AM2 platforms
support standard DDR2 533-MHz and 667-MHz, they also have the capability to
support DDR2 800-MHz modules. “Kingston’s longstanding relationship with AMD
allows us to introduce high performance memory technology and bring our
latest DDR2 based memory technologies to the market, together,” said Mark
Tekunoff, senior technology manager, Kingston. “Kingston’s DDR2 800-MHz
ValueRAM, combined with the AMD Athlon(TM) 64 product family will create the
ideal high performance computing PCs for customers’ desktop and workstation
applications,” added Tekunoff.