While browsing around NotebookForums yesterday I spotted this thread on a nice custom paint job done on a Compaq V2000 series laptop by wipe0ut. Unlike other paint jobs out there, Wipeout takes the time to sand it, apply compound, and even put a nice shell of Turtle Wax on it for a glossy, super hot red laptop.
Hit up his detailed guide on how to apply this to your own laptop or any plastic object. So if you can’t afford one of those fancy car branded laptops like the Acer Ferrari or the Asus Lambo, you can always make your own. Awesome job dude!
“My motivations for painting the laptop was that the laptop was in an unattractive two-tone grey. While it was neither really ugly nor deteriorated (the laptop was 6 months old, only), I still felt that it could draw a little more attention than it currently does. A red color would attract attention and be an excellent source of conversation.
I started with the inside only, and after seeing how well the paint was, I finished with the rest, including the lid.”