The Ultimate Troubleshooter undergoes some scrutiny from The Moditory.  With some of the functionality of msconfig, and HijackThis, plus registry info and more, this program puts most of the maintenance you do to your system in one easy interface.  Of course, the programs you use now are probably FOSS, while TuT will cost you about $30, plus yearly subscription fees.
“The Ultimate Troubleshooter (henceforth referred to as TuT) is an interesting application. Rather than serving as a point and click malware cleanup tool, TuT is intended as a performance tweaker, tasks analyzer, and maintenance hub. Inside TuT, you may check your disk for errors, boot into safe mode, perform “housekeeping” functionalities like deleting temporary files, and tweaking the programs that run on startup. While most all of the functionality of TuT is provided for free, it serves as an excellent front end to the most common tasks in computer troubleshooting, from disabling startup applications to editing the registry.”

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