There is a debate about the effect using modular wiring on the voltages coming out of a PSU. There are those who claim that the connectors cause much more resistance that a foot or two of wire, and others that laugh at the suggestion.  Armed with a digital multimeter, gets to the bottom of this debate.
“Now please keep in mind that this article is in no way a power supply review. You have not just witnessed some sort of weird five-way power supply shootout. There are so many good things to say about ALL of the power supplies I used today. For example, the voltage drop going from 0A to 11A on both the Antec NeoHE and Corsair HX620W was actually LESS than the FSP600-80GLC power supply with fixed cables. But the focus of today’s article was to simply clarify some of the fuzzy math used to create fud over modular power supplies, therefore we focused primarily on the drop from the power supply’s PCB to the load.”

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