SATA, USB and FireWire Speeds

Using HDTach and a few handy peripherals, we were able to get some benchmark numbers off of both the SATA controllers on the boards as well as the USB and FireWire connections. 

SATA Performance — South Bridge

Here we tested the two south bridge based SATA controllers.  We used a new Raptor 150 GB 10k RPM hard drive for the test drive.

Asus M2N32-SLI nForce 590 SLI AMD Motherboard Review - Motherboards 115

Asus M2N32-SLI nForce 590 SLI AMD Motherboard Review - Motherboards 116

USB Performance

Taking a 7200 RPM IDE external hard drive from Western Digital we use HDTach to find the top transfer speeds on both motherboards.

Asus M2N32-SLI nForce 590 SLI AMD Motherboard Review - Motherboards 117

FireWire Performance

This external drive has both USB 2.0 and FireWire support so these results are from the same drive with the FireWire connection.

Asus M2N32-SLI nForce 590 SLI AMD Motherboard Review - Motherboards 118

All three of our I/O tests show strong results on the M2N32-SLI Deluxe motherboard; in particular in the USB and FireWire results when compared to the XPress 3200 chipset.

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