SATA, USB and FireWire Speeds
Using HDTach and a few handy peripherals, we were able to get some benchmark numbers off of both the SATA controllers on the boards as well as the USB and FireWire connections.
SATA Performance — South Bridge
Here we tested the two south bridge based SATA controllers. We used a new Raptor 150 GB 10k RPM hard drive for the test drive.
USB Performance
Taking a 7200 RPM IDE external hard drive from Western Digital, we use HDTach to find the top transfer speeds on both motherboards.
FireWire Performance
This external drive has both USB 2.0 and FireWire support so these results are from the same drive with the FireWire connection.
Besides the complete lack of any FireWire support, the USB 2.0 and SATA performance on the Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 motherboard is right on par with both the P965 and 975X motherboards from Asus.