“If you thought accessories for Apple’s iPod were getting out of control, wait till Zune hits store shelves. Microsoft is working with a number of partners to develop exclusive accessories for its music player; Belkin is one of the first few to launch a series of new products even though Zune has yet to show up.”Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- Vibra Sounder: Cute, Little Speaker @ CoolTechZone
- DLO HomeDock Deluxe Review @ CoolTechZone
- SteelSound 5Hv2 PC Gaming Headset Review @ Tweaknews
- Tips for Buying Bluetooth Stereo Headphones @ Blue Tomorrow
- JVC NX-PS1 Audio System Review @ TechwareLabs
- iPod Nano 8GB @ Hardware Zone
- Mediagate MG-35 Network Multimedia Player @ Hardware Zone
Buying gifts for things that don’t even exist yet
Taking a page directly from Apple, Microsoft’s Zune player will have a huge assortment of accessories you can buy for it. You can even see a list of them over at CoolTechZone. The only problem I can see is that you can’t buy a Zune yet, so why shop for accessories?