Storm Worm made an appearance this weekend, and it’s botnet is growing quickly.  With multiple versions released in a very short time, and with the ability to upgrade itself after it has infected PCs make this one look to be around for a while.  CNET has more info on this Trojan that we are likely to be removing from relatives computers quite frequently in the next while.
“Over the weekend there were six subsequent waves of the attack, with each e-mail attempting to lure users into downloading an executable by promising a topical news story. There were e-mails that purported to carry news of an as-yet-unconfirmed missile test by the Chinese against one of its weather satellites, and e-mails reporting that Fidel Castro had died.

Each new wave of e-mails carried different versions of the Trojan horse, according to F-Secure. Each version also contained the capability to be updated, in an attempt to stay ahead of antivirus vendors. ”

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