“Good music requires an involved listener to appreciate it. Technologically and demographically driven changes in listening habits have driven down the quality and intensity of listening. And good old music industry greed continues to drive talent out of the music business. Celebrate the musicians who have made it, or at least made it onto the Internet, but weep for the ones you’ll never get a chance to hear ”Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- Razer Barracuda AC-1 Sound Card Review @ XYZ Computing
- Bose TriPort In-Ear Headphones Review @ CoolTechZone
- SteelSound 5H v2 Headphones @ Modders-Inc
- Ultimate Ears Super.fi 5 Pro Review @ Digital Trends
- Aliph Jawbone Bluetooth Headset @ Blue Tomorrow
- Speed-Link Medusa 5.1 Home Edition (SL-8796) Headset Review @ Overclockersclub
- Titan 2.1 Traveling Speakers Review @ Technic3D
- Sennheiser RS130 Wireless Headphones @ TheTechLounge
Rock and Roll never dies
Join Digital Trends for a look back at some of the musicians and formats they grew up with and loved, and a serious problem that is infecting the musical universe. Compression kills dynamic range. In order to get music to listeners in what is essentially a LoFi format, one of the most powerful ways to evoke emotion is being removed. Ask your self when the last time you listened to an MP3 at a full 192bps.