‘AMD has been fairly quiet as of late. A few months ago, we took a look at their initial Quad-FX platform and FX-70 series offerings. However, on the mainstream socket AM2 front, AMD hasn’t made any real noise since the release of the Athlon 64 FX-62 way back in May of 2006. That’s not to say AMD hasn’t released any products since then. In fact, the company has launched a plethora of lower-clocked “Energy Efficient” processors for the platform and replaced the 125W Athlon 64 FX-62 with an 89W X2 5600+ at the same 2.8GHz and cache size. Frankly, enthusiasts waiting for a new flagship socket AM2 processor haven’t had much to read about. Thankfully, there is news from the AMD home-front today.’Here are some more Processor articles from around the web:
- AMD Goes to 3GHz: The Athlon 64 X2 6000+ @ ExtremeTech
- AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ @ PenStar Systems
- The Last of the K8: The AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ CPU @ HW Upgrade
- AMD Athlon64 6000+ @ t-break
- AMD Conquering 3GHz: Athlon 64 X2 6000+ @ X-bit Labs
- AMDs New 3.0GHz Dual Core CPU – 6000+ X2 – Full Review @ BCCHardware
- Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 Processor Review @ HardwareLogic
- Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ Techgage
- Intel Core2 Q6600 CPU @ OCC
- Desktop CPU Comparison Guide Rev. 3.3 @ TechARP
The K8 is dead, long live the K8
AMD has pushed past the 3GHz mark with their new X2 6000+. HotHardware will take you through the benchmarks in their full review. One interesting finding is that when the QuadFX’s additional cores are not utilized by the program being tested, the raw speed of the 6000+ pushes the performance beyond that of the QuadFX.