Well, it’s Saturday morning. I’ve waited to publish another interview because, frankly, we are running out of interviews!

I may have to beg you interested readers to cajole, bother, harass and just plain threaten your favorite Mod to step up to the booth and be interviewed! I currently have a few more in the can, but not more than 3!! Interview with Moderator Niner - Editorial 5

I may just start a poll in here to help Mods realize they need to be interviewed. (And, yes…I plan on doing more member interviews as well!) Any thoughts?

OK, by now you know the drill:
Hi there. Let me take a minute to introduce myself. I’m Uncle Bob, a Mod here at PC Perspective. We will be running a series of articles within the forum that will be called Mod Interviews. I ask revealing, embarrassing, stupid, probing questions of Mods and hopefully you get to laugh with us at ourselves and in the process get to know some of us better. Beware, not all the Mods are as forthcoming as you may like, I do my best to uncover the truth, but haven’t always hit the mark!
Here ya go, number 13 in the series: Niner

1. I realize many of the mods here are in a witness protection program of some sort, but can you give us your real name?
Let’s just say the first name. Todd

2. Why did you join PCPer/AMDMB?
I was looking for some help, pretty much like everyone else and decided to stick around because it was such a good group.

3. Which forums do you mod?
I moderate the Gaming & Video Card forums.

4. Why do you keep coming back?
There is no better forums, period. The guys in gaming are a good group along with just about everyone else here.

5. What was your first experience with a computer?
Right around when the AMD K-6’s came out. I was afraid to open then case at first and now it’s nothing to me anymore.

6. Do you prefer to be called a “geek” or a “nerd”?
Geek seems more macho…Interview with Moderator Niner - Editorial 6

7. What exactly do you do here at PC Perspective?
Besides moderating I try and help out where I can. I enjoy helping the other members solve their PC problems. I’m also just getting into hosting some Fragging Frog games.

8. What do you like most about your ‘job’? I realize it’s actually a rudimentary form of slavery or servitude, but you are still here…can you explain this to our readers?
Meeting new people and trying to keep the new members coming back. Working with PC’s is a great hobby for me and PCPer just helps feed that.

9. OK, we all know this is coming…What do you like least about your job?
Nothing really, just sometimes I wish I had more time to spend here.

10. How long have you been active in PC Perspective?
Since the summer of ’02.

11. Where are most active here? What is it you suppose that draws you to that particular area?
Mainly I hang out in the gaming forums, but I check out all the forums as much as possible.

12. What interests do you have outside of PC Perspective. Don’t be shy, if you don’t have a life outside of here, many readers would like to know!
I enjoy spending time with my family. During the summer i enjoy working in the yard and of course gaming…Interview with Moderator Niner - Editorial 7

13. OK, it’s hardware time! Let’s start with your most, or current favorite piece of hardware. Tell us about it.
I just got a 8800GTS and so far it’s a beast.

14. Software? Hey, if you are a closet Linux user, now’s the time to come out. (If you are a closet Microsoft user, don’t be afraid, we can keep a secret!)
I mainly use MS software.

15. OK, let’s get real personal. Witness Protection Program be damned…Can you tell us something about yourself you’d like us to know?
I’m a very easy going person, and hopefully that reflects here on the forums.

16. What can you tell us about your job? Hey, if you do something illegal, now is a good enough time as any to make a clean start!
I am a Quality Control Lab Technician in a Plastics shop. We make all kinds of containers.

17. Where do you live? (Be fearless, your secret is safe with us..)
Erie, PA.

18. What can you tell us about your family??
I have a brother and two sisters. Then at home there is my wife and three sons and a daughter.

19. Here’s a delicate one…How old are you and where did you grow up?
I am 34 and grew up right here in Erie.

20. Well, we are getting to the end of it, it’ll all be over soon, I promise. What would like to say to our forum members, go ahead anything. Get it off your chest. We have all day here….
Thanks for the support everyone has given me for being a Mod here. Also thanks to the other mods and especially The Wise One and jimzinsocal for giving me a chance to give back to this forum…Interview with Moderator Niner - Editorial 8