“Hailing from Planet Saitek, from a galaxy far, far away, comes the Obsidian Wireless Rechargeable Mouse, an ambidextrous pointing device unlike most others. Aside from its oval shape and futuristic design, the Obsidian replaces the standard scroll wheel with a small scroll wheel-sized touch pad, which allows users to perform various scrolling techniques that can’t be done with a regular mouse.”Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- SteelSeries SteelPad 5L – Large, and 5 Layers in Charge @ BCCHardware
- Fanatec HeadShot Controller Review @ OCC
- Logitech Revised G5 @ Techgage
- Logitech diNovo Edge Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard @ TheTechLounge
- Razer Diamondback Mouse @ 3dGameMan
- Cyber Snipa SWAT Laser Gaming Mouse @ Rbmods
- Ideazon Zboard, MERC, Fang & Reaper @ 3dGameMan
- Logitech ChillStream Gamepad for Sony PS3 @ I4U
- SteelPad S&S Gaming Mouse Pad Review @ The TechZone
- Logitech MX Revolution Rechargeable Wireless Laser Mouse @ Bonafide Reviews
- Ideazon Fragmat @ techPowerUp
Form over function?
The Saitek Obsidian Wireless Rechargeable mouse has a very sleek look to it, to the point where scroll wheel has even been removed. In it’s place is a touchpad that acts as the scroll wheel, as well as being able to perform a few more tricks as well. Head to ExtremeTech for the full review, and find out if this mouse has been designed more for style than usability.