With the release of Feisty Fawn, CentOS 5 and Debian Etch, our Linux forums are very active right now. They are feeling their oats, and even taking shots at Windows, and converting users to their preferred OS.

For those who haven’t switched from Microsoft, anti-virus is a must, but how to pick the best one?  ASUS users who’ve bought a Crosshair motherboard, will be interested in following an few enterprising members who have tracked down a new BIOS that hasn’t been officially released yet.  The new nVIDIA 8600 series has seen a lot of testing this week, and it is also a hot topic of discussion in the Graphics forum.  Over in the storage forum, we’ve a discussion on how to keep your HDDs running smooth, and making sure you don’t lose everything to a head crash. 

… and that’s just a taste of what you will find inside.