“In this article we use Liquid Nitrogen to control the CPU temperature to gain impressive increases in performances from the highest rated Intel Core 2 CPU the X6800. Going well below zero the Mhz go flying sky high…”Here are some more Processor articles from around the web:
- AMD Athlon 64 4800+ X2 Energy Efficient @ motherboards.org
- Intel Clovertown: Quad Core for the Masses @ AnandTech/A>
- Xeon 5150 vs. E5320 Review @ TechwareLabs
X6800 + LN = Crazy Crustaceans
How does SuperPi 1M in 9.844 seconds sound? At -145.4°C MADSHRIMPS managed to get the x6800 hit 5200Mhz, and earned them 31st in the World Ranking at HWBot.org! Carrying on to the point of instability, but still being able to boot, they pushed it to 378.9 Bus with a 14x multiplier. That gave them a FSB of 1515.7MHz and a core of 5305MHz. Gives you something to aim for, eh?