There is showdown today at HotHardware, between MSI’s P965 Platinum and the Asus P5B-E.  The ASUS board may be lacking in some features, like CrossFire support, but the BIOS is perfect for tweakers, as there are lots of settings you can adjust to get the system running exactly how you want.  The MSI does offer a nice bundle and does support CrossFire, but doesn’t offer the same options and suffered from some issues with the included MSI software.
“We’re just writing to let you all know that we’ve just posted a new article at in which we evaluate the features, overclockability, and performance of two Intel P965-powered boards for Core 2 processors, the Asus P5B-E and the MSI P965 Platinum. One board is targeted at budget conscious consumers and the other is fully loaded with CrossFire support and multiple RAID controllers. Head on over to the site and check them out…”

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