BIOS beep codes driving you nuts?  Even worse, is your system speaker dead, and you don’t even know what beep code is playing?  OCIA has posted a review of Soyo’s TechAID, a PCI card with LEDs that is supposed to display the error code associated with whatever is traumatizing your motherboard.  Read on to find out if it does it’s job well, or if it’s just better to invest in a motherboard that has a display built into it.
“Well here’s something that might just fit the bill. It’s a little gadget made by Soyo Group (the same folks that made motherboards) and it’s called the TechAID. It’s a small diagnostics card that plugs into a PCI slot on any motherboard and reads and displays BIOS trouble codes during POST. Some board manufacturers offer something similar, whether it be diagnostic LED’s or beep codes from an onboard speaker. But many brands do not have these features, or are not clear on their meaning, and for those this little device may come in very handy.”

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