“TOP GAMING FIRM, Id Software has revealed that it is ditching the PC as a lead platform for its technology, focusing on creating cross-platform titles and technology that have a broader revenue and user base, rather than the bleeding-edge technology the company has gained fame for.Talking to IGN, Tim Willits re-iterated that “We’re so PC centric that it’s actually been a little bit of a struggle wrapping our minds around a 360 to the point where I installed 360 controllers on everyone’s PC. If I see them testing the new game with a keyboard and mouse I have to smack them on the back of the head… for us it’s been a bit of a struggle to think about being a console developer because we’ve been PC focused for so long.””
Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- 10 Reasons to Buy a Nintendo DS Lite at XYZ Computing
- Peter Moore on AO-rated games: “You have to draw the line somewhere” @ Ars Technica
- Geeks Wii Remote Charging Dock Review @ Rbmods
- Slim PSP high-res pics and details @ HCW
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- Overlord PC/XBox 360 Video Game by Codemasters @ Benchmark Reviews
- World in Conflict Beta Preview @ Gamepyre
- Transformers: The Game (Xbox 360) @ TweakTown
- World in Conflict – Open beta performance analysis @ Elite Bastards
- Overlord @ Strategy Informer
- Scudbuster PC Game @ DragonSteelMods
- Sonic and the Secret Rings @ Bonafidereviews
The next Quakecon may be filled with a lot of new people who’ve never been there before … console players. Id Software has decided to switch their focus. Now they won’t be focusing on PC Games, but instead on consoles, to the point where every PC will have gamepads/controllers attached for testing, not the keyboard & mouse combo that defines PC gaming. Nor will they be pushing the limits of graphics cards anymore. The Inquirer can tell you more about this decision, which may well create a rift between Id and nVIDIA.