“The ECS G33T-M2 motherboard is based on Intel’s news integrated graphics chipset, the G33 Express, and like the Intel P35 Express makes an awesome duo when paired with a dual core Intel Core 2 Duo processor… or a new 1333MHz FSB CPU for that matter. This board is also interesting because it’s the first platform to pass through the PCSTATS test labs without an IDE slot.”Here are some more Motherboard articles from around the web:
- MSI P35 Platinum Intel P35 Express Motherboard Review @ PCSTATS
- Asustek puts memory on the motherboard @ The Inquirer
- Asus P5K vs Asus P5K3 Benchmarks (DDR2 vs DDR3) @ Overclock3d
- Asrock Conroe1333-DVI/H @ Pro-Clockers
- Sneak Peek – Gigabyte GA-X38-DQ6 (Intel X38) @ Hardware Zone
- XFX nForce 680i LT SLI Motherboard @ DH
- Gigabyte GA-P35-DQ6 @ Hardware Canucks
- MSI P35 Platinum @ t-break
One G33 Express mobo, hold the IDE
The ECS G33T-M2 has an onboard Intel GMA 3100 graphics chipset, a Gigabit NIC and 7.1 HD Azalia, as well as 1 PCI Express x16, a PCI Express x1 slot a pair of PCI slots and 4 SATA slots. What it doesn’t have is any IDE channels. It also supports 1333MHz FSB and DDR2. Read on to find out what PC Stats thought of this all inclusive entry level motherboard.