TechwareLabs grabbed the CoolIT Freezone, a CPU waterblock, attached to a TEC radiator that is to be attached to one of the rear outake fan grills at the back of the case.  Unfortunately, they used a 92mm fan, rather than opt for the 120mm, but as the pictures show you, it is a tight squeeze and the 120mm might not have worked in many cases.  The technology is sound and the performance is great, but Techware Labs thought there were a few improvements to be made to this powerful cooler.
“If you are looking for advanced cooling for your system and normal air coolers will not provide enough cooling you may just want to take a look at the Freezone from CoolIT systems. The Freezone combines the properties of watercooling and peltiers to give your system the best possible cutting edge cooling. Does the Freezone work as advertised? We put a Freezone to the test and bring you the facts and numbers behind this systems performance.”

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