“In the world of MP3 players, it seems like almost everything has been done, and lately I haven’t really seen many new MP3 players with new features that really impressed me, well at least until I took a look at the K5. The K5 is really a neat idea and when I first saw it I was skeptical of how it was actually going to work, because lets face it, most small speakers don’t sound very good at all. This truly is an exception to the case however, it sounds great”Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- LTB Audio Q-Bass 2.1 Stereo Wireless Headset @ I4U
- DLO HomeDock Music Remote Review @ CoolTechZone.
- DLO TuneStik Review @ CoolTechZone
- iRiver e10 6GB MP3 Player Review @ ThinkComputers
- SOYO FM-SY-SLIM20GB 20GB 1.8″ SlimEx Platinum @ Benchmark Reviews
- BlueAnt Supertooth Light Bluetooth Speakerphone Review @ Legit Reviews
- Zalman ZM-DS4F Dual Stereo Headphones @ Tweaktown
- Sony Elevated Standard (ES) Receivers @ Digital Trends
Tiny, but not tinny
Samsung’s K5 4GB MP3 player comes with a few surprises, something that is not easy to do when everyone and their company mascot has an MP3 player to sell you. A touchscreen and OLED display add expected functionality to this MP3 player, and the FM radio is a nice touch as well. What really caught BCCHardware’s attention was the built in speaker.