“However, if you went to pick up a copy of Guitar Hero on any of the platforms during one of the many midnight launches, you’ll know that Rock Band has done little to steal the Hero thunder. People were lining up, talking about the song list, and debating over which system to get the game on. Turn the game on and the art might be a little different, but at its heart were all the best things about Guitar Hero. With the release of Guitar Hero III we now have proof that the franchise is far from dead. Neversoft and Red Octane have weathered the loss of Harmonix with grace.However, if you went to pick up a copy of Guitar Hero on any of the platforms during one of the many midnight launches, you’ll know that Rock Band has done little to steal the Hero thunder. People were lining up, talking about the song list, and debating over which system to get the game on. Turn the game on and the art might be a little different, but at its heart were all the best things about Guitar Hero. With the release of Guitar Hero III we now have proof that the franchise is far from dead. Neversoft and Red Octane have weathered the loss of Harmonix with grace.”Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
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- How to use the X-Arcade Tankstick on the Xbox 360 @ OCModShop
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This game requires star power
Start your finger exercises, Guitar Hero 3 is on stage and not worried about Rock Band. Ars Technica has risked embarrassment and finger cramps to bring you this review of a revamped favourite. It isn’t just the songs that have changed, you will notice changes in the interface and the way you play. It looks as though you may need to get your friends all in the same room, Ars found the online play to have some difficulties.