Map: Suspense Performance (cont’d)
Unreal Tournament 3 Performance Preview - AMD and NVIDIA Compared - Graphics Cards 77

Unreal Tournament 3 Performance Preview - AMD and NVIDIA Compared - Graphics Cards 78

Once again the 320MB version of the 8800 GTS is a leap ahead the other two cards here, but it’s not really a fair fight.  In comparing the 8600 GTS and the HD 2600 XT both cards perform very similarly with a slight edge going to NVIDIA’s part. 

Unreal Tournament 3 Performance Preview - AMD and NVIDIA Compared - Graphics Cards 79

Unreal Tournament 3 Performance Preview - AMD and NVIDIA Compared - Graphics Cards 80

The 8800 GTS 320MB is playable at these settings, but the 8600 GTS and HD 2600 XT are clearly outmatched. 

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