Intel has countered AMD’s Barcelona launch with the QX9770, their fastest processor to date.  At 3.2GHz and with a FSB of 1600MHz, the performance it gives you is incredible, if you can somehow find a way to run it; seeing as how there are no 1600MHz motherboards for you to use.  You can head over to TECHGAGE for a look at the QX9770 and the X48 chipset that will run it.

You can also read Ryan’s take on this processor on our front page.

“We took a look at Intel’s first 45nm desktop offering a few weeks ago and already have a preview of it’s successor. The QX9770 is equipped with a 3.2GHz frequency and is the first Intel CPU to support a 1600MHz Front-Side-Bus. Read on to see how it compares to the rest of our fleet.”

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