Despite sounding like an incredibly bad idea, the usage of magnets to keep the side door of the Xion Dazl case was one of Hardware Canucks favourite features.  As the full review reveals that turns out to be the main feature of this case.  Aging 80mm fans provide the cooling, and a no-name 500W (peak) PSU is included and even so the price remains about $70.  You certainly get what you pay for, but for a testing case, or a cheap enclosure for a “build me a PC for under $500” type request, this case is an excellent choice.

“Overall, I would say this case reminds me of one of the first cases I got when starting out building computers a few years ago. I was impressed by the design of the front door and innovation presented there. Xion put effort into the parts that matter, what you actually see and use on a daily basis, then left the rest as good enough, which is somewhat acceptable.”

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